Welcome to Home School Curriculum Help Center
(This guide is still under development. To receive new updates, please use this form to subscribe)
Are you hoping to offer your children a Christian education at home,
but do not know how to start, which curriculum to choose,
and where to purchase them? Do you feel overwhelmed by the vast variety of homeschool curricula?
Do you feel inadequate to teach your children because English is your second language or you have not attended school in the U.S.?
If this is your situation,
this guide is for you!
Over the years, we have met parents who wanted to start homeschooling but felt inadequate to take on such a task
(many of them were not native English speakers). To encourage more parents to homeschool,
we have developed this website with the intent of pointing them in the right direction and lightening their load.
Intentionally, we have also prioritized high-quality curricula that require less effort from the parents.
Some of these materials are suitable for self-learning, while others offer teacher-led video and/or online instructions.
The materials on this website result from the careful research of a mom who has homeschooled her children from grades 1 to 12. Over the years,
she has surveyed a range of educational philosophies, read books about learning styles, experimented with different curricula,
and guided other parents in their homeschool journey. Her findings are provided in this guide to make your curriculum search easier and quicker.
However, each family is different, and each child is uniquely created by God.
Please tailor the recommendations to your specific family needs.
We pray that God will reward your effort in training up the next generation for Him.
Footnote: Except for math, all the recommended materials are presented from the traditional Biblical worldview unless otherwise noted. Before going further, watching related videos will help you understand this guide better.
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